Successful communication begins and ends with good publications. In between lies data-based content marketing. The answers to the questions create the decisive competitive advantage and more success. Because those who know more can react better and faster. To trends, to crises, to competitors, to news.
After all, data is the new gold. What is being published on a topic? Where does my company stand in the process? What are the competitors doing? Especially in these times of crises and fake news, media analysis is more important than ever for corporate communications – to protect one’s own brand, to measure the impact of communication and to know what drives customers to make purchasing decisions. GPRA e.V., the industry association of leading PR and communications agencies, has recognised for its members that they can use the possibilities and potential of data-based communication in a targeted way and create impact.
However, impact also unfolds when the expansion of a production facility in the vicinity of the factory site is accepted or when the loyalty of employees to the employer can be increased. This understanding of impact through communication is in line with the European understanding of communication. (GPRA, 2022)
But how can insights, the gold nuggets, be evaluated from the amount of media material? How can I gain useful insights from media monitoring? Preferably even with an economic added value.
A good, comprehensive monitoring tool is half the battle. There are a lot of tools on the market for analysis and reporting. As a content agency, we have developed our own powerful monitoring product based on the world’s most powerful content monitoring platform: Sonalytix delivers the best performance. With it, we evaluate the internet with all publicly available online sources worldwide – in 187 languages and automatic translation, by editorial and social media, by demographic criteria or countries and regions or by tonality. We also monitor and analyse photos and videos with AI-based algorithms, including on the soundtrack.
This enables us to recognise all brand mentions online. Our clients finally see the full impact of their sponsorship engagement online, whether image, video or text material. Without video and image recognition, more than half of brand mentions would simply not be noticed. With the video, image and text analytics, clients get the full picture.
In addition, we optionally integrate the results from print publications, nationally and internationally. In this way, we actually deliver a 360° media analysis, easily manageable with a single tool for the entire analysis and reporting, for the most diverse communication tasks:
Understanding the social footprint of brands and companies by having users follow all relevant discussions about your brands, your campaigns and your company.
Who are the right influencers for your own products and topics, how can this be used for your own communication in PR, marketing and social media.
Where are topics heading, what will be the trend – in the short and long term? The topics of your own channels can be compared with those of the users.
We measure the performance of campaigns in real time! Our clients receive comparisons and analyses – internationally, nationally or regionally – and can thus improve the dialogue.
Reports and alerts in real time can significantly improve issue and crisis management. We bring the board of directors, management and press spokespersons „in front of the situation“ and find critical outbreaks in good time before they develop into a shitstorm.
If you observe the activities of your competitors, you can learn what they do better. In this way, we give our clients a knowledge advantage when looking at new markets.
A tool like our media monitoring can be understood like a navigation system with which we move through the internet. The other half of the battle is the person who operates the tool. Our rule here is: if you are good at asking questions, you will learn more. The best people here are professionals, i.e. data journalists or media analysts. With an eye on the data, you can find out where, when and how your customers are talking about you. Or find out who the important influencers and content creators are for your topics. Or you can look at what your competitors are doing and where they might have an advantage.
If you can track every important trend in the industry in real time and understand the relevant topics, you can turn the data into gold. You improve your content marketing right from the strategy and conception phase. You check the evaluations for results and KPIs already during a campaign. This even allows you to adjust in real time.
With our analysis, reporting and data-based content marketing, we help your communication to be more successful with our experience as a content agency.