Content and Communication at Green Week | infokontor
We have been specializing in content and communication since the year 2000. We are committed to delivering credible, high-quality, and relevant content across various media such as video, online, audio, and photography.
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Content and Communication at Green Week

After a two-year coronavirus break, the International Green Week has finally been able to take place in Berlin again since 2023. The Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft e.V. (FML) has the task of informing the public about agriculture and food production in Germany and runs the so-called „ErlebnisBauernhof“ at the trade fair every year under the motto „Secure food. Protect nature.“

The aim is to reach a heterogeneous target group with a variety of content, from politicians and specialist audiences to the general public. The core message: German agriculture is modern, ensures food security and cares about animal welfare and nature conservation.

As a long-standing partner of the FML, infokontor is of course also involved and takes on various communication tasks. From organisational tasks, such as developing the stage programme, to editorial activities, such as writing press releases to inform the media, to content production for YouTube, Instagram and much more.

ErlebnisBauernhof 2023:

Together with the FML, we developed an extensive stage programme for Hall 3.2 and produced daily trade fair videos. During the first five days of the fair, the production team filmed and edited discussions, presentations and demonstrations on a wide range of agricultural topics. Guests included Franziska Giffey, then Mayor of Berlin, and Federal Ministers Cem Özdemir and Christian Lindner.

The stage programme was coordinated on site in close cooperation with the FML, including stage set-up, content coordination, guest management and content production. We filmed the programme with three cameras and conducted additional interviews with the ministers, other panellists and stand partners in Hall 3.2. We produced the video content plus photo material on site as video highlights, statements and daily trade fair videos, made them available on the FML’s channels and also distributed them to the relevant editorial media in Germany on a daily basis. We thus ensured daily reports on TV, online, radio and in print.

ErlebnisBauernhof 2024:

In the run-up to this year’s ErlebnisBauernhof, we managed to inform numerous journalists about FML topics before the Green Week through several press invitations, thus ensuring a high level of coverage at an early stage. On site, we produced a mood film that captures the atmosphere and the diverse experiences in Hall 3.2, as well as statements from agricultural scouts, politicians and managers from member companies.

Our work at the 2024 trade fair differed from the previous year in that we provided intensive support to the Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft in producing content for its own social media channels.

This year’s visit by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz was very special, as he was only the third chancellor ever to visit the Green Week and thus emphasised how important agriculture is for food security in Germany. The ErlebnisBauernhof in Hall 3.2 is increasingly establishing itself as a platform for dialogue between agriculture, the food industry, politics and consumers.

In total, we were able to reach almost 400 million editorial contacts through our media work and thus ensure greater awareness of the most important agricultural issues and topics.

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